Dr Andrew Bond

Dr Andrew Bond obtained a degree in Chemistry from the University of Oxford in 1997 and studied for a PhD in Cambridge from 1997–2000, under the supervision of former Head of Department, Prof. Bill Jones. He remained at the Department for a further two years, providing crystallographic support to several research groups, including another former Head of Department, Prof. Jeremy Sanders.

His independent academic career has been mostly spent in Denmark (2003–2015), at University of Southern Denmark (Odense), then as Professor of Solid-State Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. His research interests are focussed on structure-property relationships in molecular pharmaceutical solids.

He is author of the book “Pharmaceutical Crystallography” (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019), as well as over 300 papers in the chemical, pharmaceutical and crystallographic literature. At various times, he has been Chairman of the Chemical Crystallography Group of the British Crystallography Association, co-editor of the journals Acta Crystallographica (Sections B, C and E) and IUCrJ, and Chair of the Peer Review Panel for the Chemical Crystallography Beamlines at Diamond Light Source.

E-mail: adb29@cam.ac.uk

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 336352 (Office) / +44 (0)1223 762015 (Lab)


Dr Christopher Truscott

After an undergraduate degree in Chemistry, Dr Chris Truscott pursued a PhD and post-doc in Prof. Stuart Clarke’s research group in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. His PhD project focused on supramolecular chemistry at the polymer-oil interface for novel lubrication technologies. His post-doc project was to understand and prevent corrosion at weld-lines.

His research interests are the structure and dynamics of molecules on surfaces. This ranges from ice formation on interstellar carboneous materials to surfactant adsorption on minerals hundreds of metres underground.

Email: clt45@cam.ac.uk